Holiday Decoration Schedule

Holiday Decoration Removal Schedule for 2025

Holiday Season Holiday Date Decorating Begins Decorations Removed by Forest Lawn
Valentine's Day February 14 February 2 February 17
Easter April 20 April 13 April 28
Mother's Day May 11 May 4 May 19
Memorial Day May 26 May 18 June 2
Father's Day June 15 June 8 June 23
Fourth of July July 4 June 29 July 7
Halloween/DDLM/All Souls Day Oct. 31, Nov. 1 & Nov. 2 October 10 November 10
Veterans Day November 11 November 9 November 17
Thanksgiving November 27 November 23 December 8
Christmas/New Years Day Dec. 25 & Jan. 1 December 14 January 12 (2026)

*Holiday decorations cannot exceed 4 feet in height, may not use support wires, limit maintenance access, create a safety concern, nor impede on another interment space.
Forest Lawn welcomes the visitation and placement of appropriate decorations at the interment locations. Holidays are an important time for client families and this information is provided so that they may get the most from their visits during those times. It is important to note, the park is available for all the families we serve and must adhere to the guidelines in order to maintain the grounds in a manner that serves all families best.